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Apr 8, 2022
Starting and Growing a Career in Web Design
As the internet continues to develop and grow exponentially, jobs related to the industry do too, particularly those that relate to web design and development. The prediction is that by 2029, the job outlook for these two fields will grow by 8%—significantly faster than average. Whether you’re seeking salaried employment or aiming to work in a freelance capacity, a career in web design can offer a variety of employment arrangements, competitive salaries, and opportunities to utilize both technical and creative skill sets.
Mar 15, 2022
Starting and Growing a Career in Web Design
Whether you work in marketing, sales, or product design, you understand the importance of a quality landing page. Landing pages are standalone websites used to generate leads or sales—in other words they help you increase your revenue. Unlike typical web pages, landing pages only have one call to action, or CTA, and they are usually tied to a specific marketing or advertising campaign. The hyper-focused nature of landing pages means they come with a pretty standard set of best practices.
Feb 28, 2022
Starting and Growing a Career in Web Design
Last month, I had the chance to attend CSS Day in Amsterdam, a two day event split between a “UI day” focusing on the intersection of design and development and a “CSS day”, with speakers who covered more in-depth, technical CSS subjects. The talks were as diverse as the background of the speakers themselves, but there was one common thread: In this era of rapid change, are we, as product people, equipped to design for automation, machine learning, and AI?
Feb 6, 2022
Navigation is key within any digital interface. Smart Components enable us to create custom interactive navigation components that work perfectly with the rest of your prototype.In this guide, we will cover the concepts of nesting components, adding events to elements in a component using Event Variables, and passing these through your components. One of the main benefits of using nested components is that it provides full control over its states, such as unique hover states of elements within another component.

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